For this assignment, we had to create BTS ( behind the scenes) for our music video. This is what me and my group did:
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Monday, December 9, 2024
Music Marketing 1
Recently in class, we have been working on a project where are main goal is to create a band or artist, as well as a music video for them. My group came up with the artist Blaze Lane and has spent a large amount of time coming with her brand and identity.
Before we started this project, we had to research already made artist and their brands and identity. I think this helped me a lot because I got to get an idea of how some of my favorite artists made their name known to the world. It also helped to give me and idea on how to develop the brand and get an idea of different marketing strategies our artist could use.
We started the project off by creating a schedule, so we knew what we had to do on certain days to have our project done by the due date. On our first day, we decided to split into partners and two of us worked on the storyboard for the video and the other two worked on our PowerPoint. We got a mass majority of our PowerPoint done like coming up with her name, socials, brand, and different merch she would have. For the storyboard, we completed the full thing and were ready to show it to our teacher to start filming. On day two, we started filming our project, we got about halfway finished with it, which isn't bad considering we only had about an hour.
The following pictures is some of our work so far:
Planning for CCR#3
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