Friday, January 31, 2025

Portfolio Project

 In our Aice Media Studies class, for part of our final exam, our job is to create a portfolio. So, moving on, the majority of my blogs will be about my project! We are allowed to work in groups up to 4 people, or individually if we so choose. The goal of the project is to create a 2-minute film opening scene and use different techniques we used in class to demonstrate our knowledge on the subject. We had to take notes in class to give us tips on how to do the project successfully. I decided to work with a partner and her name is Simona. Starting this project is quite intimidating, but I feel we are prepared to take on the challenge and hopefully we end up with a really nice product.

One of the approaches I would be interested in doing is character development. I feel like this is such a big role inside film productions, it is so much fun to see one of your favorite characters evolve throughout the story. It allows for a creative outlet, and you have an almost endless amount of possibilities of who your character could be. It relies on costume design, how your character acts within the story, as well as creating dialogue to help your character grow throughout the film. Character development helps me to know what I want to focus my film on, creating the character just gets creative juices flowing, also, your character is not stuck how you originally make it! With character development, there could be something that it just doesn't seem how your character would act, and the great thing about it, you can fix it to make it make sense! 

The second approach I might be interested in is developing a conflict. The conflict has a lot of intensity within it which right away grabs the viewers' attention. It sparks interest in viewers and makes them wonder what will happen next throughout the film and keep them on the edge of their seats. It also reveals a lot about the protagonist and their struggles withing the story and also adds to character development. Starting off with conflict also helps to set the tone for the rest of the film, it gets the viewers more interested in what they are about to watch, knowing the characters are about to solve the issue before their eyes.

Planning for CCR#3

 Ahhhh, CCR #3 is crazyyyy. That means my CCR's are halfway done meaning the project is almost overrrr. I have very mixed emotions about...