Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Research, Analysis, Discussion on 3 Film Opening

 Heyyyy, so for this blog I have to pick three film openings based on a genre of my choosing. The genre I decided to pick is pshycological thriller. The three films I decided to pick are Black Swan, A Simple Favor, and Parasite.

Black Swan: Black Swan was released September 1st 2010, and is directed by Darren Aronofsky. The character Nina Sayers who is a ballet dancer become more and more addicted to her upcoming main role in Swan Lake. The opening starts with dim lighting on the main character, the setting is dark and unsettling as a male figure appears behind her from the shadows. The music throughout the scene is soft but still has a sense of intensity which elevates the sense of unease. The camera work, such as the handheld shots and bleak color palette, shows a sense of vulnerability through Nina, as her obsession begins to grow. This film opening can help me in my project because it demonstrates how film makers add tone and build character within only a few minutes of the film starting. Music and visual storytelling within the first few minutes show how this one scene can create that intense, and emotional feeling that sticks throughout the whole film. 

A Simple Favor: A Simple Favor was released September 14, 2018, and is directed by Paul Feig. It is about Stephanie Sanders who surprisingly becomes friends with Emily Nelson. However, their friendship takes a turn when Emily randomly disappears, giving motivation to Stephanie to explore her disappearance. The start is very upbeat and homey as Stephanie addresses her missing friend. She speaks about her friend missing as a mystery and the mixture of the dark undertone creates an unsettling tone. The opening intrigues viewers right away as viewers wonder where the friend went. Stephanies harmless vlog masks her not so innocent demeanor. It demonstrates a sense of hidden darkness beneath what appears to be perfection. This opening helps with my project to help establish important characters and create a plot for the film. Stephanies personality was introduced in seconds, which gives the viewers a clear view of who she is. Emily disappearance was also introduced quickly which created a problem for the audience and drives the plot forward. The film teaches how to engage an audience quickly and establish a plot.

Parasite: Parasite was released November 8, 2019, and is directed by Bong Joon Ho. The films focus is a give and take relationship between the Kim and Park families. It was the first Korean film to win Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and first foreign-language film to win Academy Award for Best Picture. The film starts off in the basement of the Kim family, the camera pans down to visualize their small and poor living environment. The natural light peering through the window highlights the low living conditions. Their urge to find free Wi-Fi shows that they are desperate yet know how to use their resources. This opening can help me with my project based on mise-en-scene and cinematography. It teaches how film-makers use camera work and mise-en-scen to use create a larger theme. It uses everyday actions to show a different lifestyle though a visual standpoint.

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