Hey queenss, so this blog is actually a continuation from one I did last week. Remember how I talked about having to do a CCR for my project? Well, for CCR number one (which is a podcast), I am answering 2 out of the 4 questions. I already wrote the script for my answer to question 1 in the blog last week, sooo if you havent seen it you might wanna do that, orr this might be a little confusing. Anwayyyy question 2 asks " How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"
End Commercial Break...
Veronica: So Addison, I have to know more about this project.
Addison: Okay girl, what would you like to know?
Veronica: Well first of all, how is your film engaging, like is it going to make me fall asleep?
Addison: Haha, no girl, it shouldn't wanna make you fall asleep. My film is set at golden hour, in order to create a tense and spooky feeling for the audience. From the very beginning the audience should begin to feel uneasy, as if they suspecting a jump scare. Throughout my film, suspense is the golden ticket to keeping the audience hooked. I want the audience to feel that instant creepy vibes and engage with the mystery that builds throughout. Which is why I decided to film at night, to build up the tension and spook factor.
Veronica: Okay yea, my timbers are shivered. You put a lot of thought into getting the audience to feel spooked.
Addison: Yea, that's kind of the point of a psychological horror, if your not feeling a little bit uneasy or scared, something is wrong.
Veronica: True, okay another question, how are you going to make your film known to people? You're not exactly a professional film maker.
Addison: Wow, rude, but your right I'm not. However, lucky for me social media exist. I am able to put my work on platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo, where people can go and watch on their own free will. For marketing purposes, I can put little bits of the film on platforms like TikTok or Instagram, and this will get people excited for the film. There are also small film festivals which allow smaller creators to share their work. One of them located close to me is called Film Gate Festival Miami. They except films in any genre and welcome anyone. It is a non profit organization for local creators to express their work.
Veronica: Oooo that cool, is there any festivals that are more horror oreinted?
Addison: Yes! there is. Another option that is more specific to horror films is the Crimson Screen Horror Film Fest in south carolina. It is South Carolina's first and largest film festival, and they are always interested in looking for fresh talent. Competitors have the chance to win a " Crimmy" ( which is similar to an oscar) in over twenty different categories.
Veronica: Wow! I had no idea there were festivals specifically for horror. I think I am going to have to book a trip to South Carolina now.
Addison: Well that seems interesting, I say we make it a girls trip.
Veronica: YES! I can bring face mask and pop corn. OO and we can have cute matching outfits while we watch the horror films!
Addison: Okay vero, if thats what you want.
Veronica: It is, and you're coming. Anways, thank yall for listening to us yap, she's Addison.
Addison: And shes Veronica.
Veronica & Addison: And we're the demure duo!!
Music Fade Out...
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