Sunday, March 16, 2025

Planning for CCR#4

 Oh my gosh, we are finallyyy on the last question of the CCR. This is very bittersweet, but we made it, and just gotta push through to the end. So question 4 out of 4 asks " How did you integrate technologies, software, hardware, and online, into your project"? Question is 4 is being answered along with question 3, and that CCR is inspired by Vogues house tours. So let's get on with the script!


Cameraman: Wow Addison, learning about how you improved has been really interesting.

Addison: Well thank you, ive spent a lot of time working hard and learning new things, so hopefully my film reflects that.

Cameraman: I bet it will, one more question before I leave you, what type of tech did you use in your film?

Addison: Well, that question has multiple answers, you see, there isn't just one type of technology there is multiple.

Cameraman: Oh really? what kinds?

Addison: Well first there is Software, that would be the platforms I used for editing and post production. Hardware, which is the physical tools I used for filming. Finally, online, which is the resources, references, and sharing platforms I used.

Cameraman: Oh! I didn't realize there were multiple types of tech.

Addison: Yea, there is, now to answer your question. For software, our editor used Adobe Premiere pro, where she had the resources to enhance the lighting and add special sounds bites in order to keep the tension buling throughout the film. We found sounds on Pixabay, because horror relies heavily on the sound effect. The heels clicking, to the squeeking of the cart, created more of an unsettling tone.

For hardware, we used an Iphone 15 to collect all of our footage. We used the iphones built in stabilization in order to keep the shots smooth. Although it's not a fancy camera, we focused on the composition and movement to enhance the tension within the film.

Finally online, I used platforms such as Youtube in order to do research on psychological horror films. I found out how proffesional film makers use technology in order to increase the tension throughout a film. This is also the platform I plan to post my whole film on. Ultimately, I have used technology in every stage of creating of production. It wasn't about just using the tools, but using them right in order to get my point across to the audience.

Cameraman: Well thank you so much for sharing all of that with me, that was all very interesting.

Addison: You're very welcome, it was a pleasure talking to you.

Cameraman: Thank you for your time, have a good rest of your day.

Addison: Thank you! you too

Door closes...

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Planning for CCR#4

 Oh my gosh, we are finallyyy on the last question of the CCR. This is very bittersweet, but we made it, and just gotta push through to the ...