Saturday, March 1, 2025

Production: Filming Part 2

  Welcome to part 2 of the filming process! Part 2 has just about as much chaos as part 1. So, for our second half of filming, we were at a park looking for a secluded area, ( this took us no joke about 20 minutes, all just to find the perfect location).  Finallyyy we found a spot where no one was going to bother us, or so we thougt. However, the landscape was soo pretty, the lighting from the sun was just like we envisioned in our heads, it really tied it all together. 

 Now for the dramaaa, so in our film we have a dead body (obviously it is fake). But the amount of people who just walked bby totally unfazed, was insaneee. There was quite literally a biker who just smiled and waved at us, like he just normally sees people dragging around a body in a bag on a Sunday evening.

In this clip, I was filming my partner get some audio sounds of the bag being dragged, this was minutes before somebody walked by and was like "whatttt".

 Once we were back in the secluded area we thought we were in the clear, however, we didn't realize there was a hiking trail a little ways over, so multiple hikers just saw us throwing a body in a ditch. Yea that was hard to explain, to say the least, we got some very concerned looks from some people. Then again, there was also the people that had no reaction to it whatsoever. 

This was some behind the scene of our actress throwing our "body" in a ditch. This one scene took us so longg to film, because everytime we looked back at the footage, we could still see the body peaking through.

 Overall though, I cannot beliveee we finished our filming. I can't wait to see our final results, and how all the shots come together to form our film. I have learned some pretty valuable lessons from filming in public, such as people really need to start paying more attention to their surroundings. Anywayyy, see yall in the post production process!!

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