Saturday, September 28, 2024

OWF Project

 For this project, we worked in groups of two and were assigned a word by our teacher, me and my partner's assigned word was rude. We had to come up with a story to represent our word to viewers in sixty to ninety seconds. We weren't allowed to use any speaking, just images, light music, symbols, and text. Each group had to make a storyboard to show how what our story was going to be and what shots we would use. 

  What we did during our brainstorming is come up with our story and wrote out our plan. This is also the stage where we fixed our mistakes before we started filming. I think that the storyboard helped us because while we were filming, we just had to follow our plan. Everything was written out with what shots to use, so when we were filming, we just had to focus on our acting. The editing source that I decided to use was iMovie. I chose to use this because I felt that it was easy for beginners to use, it has all the basic things someone would need to edit. 

  I think that me and my partner did really well with our time management and filming. We managed to get our filming all done in one day, so we could use the rest of the class time to edit our project. One thing we did notice though, is that towards the end of our editing process, we realized our project might not be long enough.

Link to project:

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