Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sound Project

    For this project, I was assigned a partner, and we had to create a one-to-two-minute scene only using sound. We created a project outline to help us know what sound we were going to use for what. We also had to create four sounds ourselves. Our teacher assigned for us to watch videos on foley do we knew how to produce our own sounds. Foley is making the sound of everyday sound effects. I also learned how important sound is for film, for example, sound is what adds a majority of horror to scary movies. Without the sound, the films would not be as scary, they would almost be comedic. 

   Our approach to successfully completing the project was to have a very set in stone plan of what we were going to do each day. During the brainstorming phase, we figured out what our scene would be, what sounds were needed, and what sound we were going to use foley for. Our outline helped us organize our sounds because when we were searching for sounds, we knew exactly what sounds we had to look up. It was also helpful with editing because we just had to lay the sounds down in the correct order. The editing resource we chose to utilize was Adobe Premier Pro. 

   Personally, I think what was done well in the project was role splitting. I do not like to edit and I'm not very good at it, so my partner took on the job and I made the foley sounds for the project. We both came up with the scene and what sounds we would use, but we were both able to put our individual talents to use. What I think we could have done better was choosing the sounds. At first our teacher gave use feedback that it might sound as if someone was drowning, (we did a mermaid transformation). However, other than that I feel we did pretty good.

Link to project: Soundscape Link 

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