Saturday, February 8, 2025

Body Bag Research

   Heyy, so for this post I got to choose what I wanted to research in regard to my project. Woohoo!! So, in our film, we want to make it look like we have a body in a trash bag to give off the idea of a murder. Obviously we can't use a real person body for this because of safety issues, so we need to know how to make it look realistic so the audience believes it. 

 1st Idea: So I found this video on YouTube, that suggest to use a extra large trash bag and cut down the sides leaving the bottom uncut. They used plastic bottels and containers and put them into the formation of what looks like a body. Finally, they wrapped the "body" and taped it with clear tape and cut off any extra trash bag near the head and feet.


  2nd Idea: Another video I found on YouTube, but instead of using plastic bottles, they used newspaper to form the body shape. They started by taking two full sheets of newspaper an forming it into a star shape. Then took a smaller sheet and wrapped it into a ball with a different sheets of full size paper and combined it with the star shape paper to create the head and neck and then taped it at the end. Next they rolled multiple pieces of newspaper together to create the arms of the body and taped it to keep them together. For the torso they rolled up some balls of newspaper, and wrapped larger pieces of paper and folded it over at the end and secured with tape. They rolled balls of paper on the side to create a ribcage figure and secured with tape down the sides. The legs they took rolled balls of paper and wrapped it in paper and taped it shut, they then rolled a tinier ball of paper to create the feet and attached it to the legs. Finally they took a large trash bag and put the "body" inside and wrapped with tape to emphasize the body parts. 

 Personally, I think the first option seems more suitable for the project. We don't have a whole lot of time and have to use our time wisely. Collecting the newspaper and creating the body like they did in the second option just appears very time consuming, where the first one we can just use items we have around our house. 

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