Sunday, February 9, 2025

Project Schedule

 It's schedule timeeee. Being in this class has taught me a lot, but one of the most important things is, when doing any sort of project you MUST be organized. For me, creating a schedule allows me to have a goal that I need to accomplish by the end of the week. Me and my partner came up with this schedule and are going to do our best to follow it so we can stay on track. 

Week 1: Two blog postings which include the transition into project and two possible genre choices. Our goal was to come up and hopefully finalize our idea for our project and decide on the genre. Week one has already passed and I can proudly say we did do both of these things.

Week 2: Four blog postings which include research/analysis/discussion on three film openings from chosen genre, research/analysis/discussion on three film opening credits from chosen genre, research post of your choice, and a blog illustrating your schedule. We begun our storyboard and have a rough idea of our script. We also decided on where we wanted to film and if we would need any permission. We also got a rough idea of our actors and the equipment we would need.

Week 3: Four blog postings which include reflection post about group meeting #1, research about one media theory we want to include in our project, post summarizing your idea for the project, and a post including your script or storyboard. We want to finish our planning and have our idea totally set as well as complete the storyboard. As well as begin character development, and really dive deeper on how we want our character to appear. Another thing we want to start is saving audio clips, this can take some time so we want to start this as soon as possible. If possible, we also want to start filming, but only if we our ready and prepared.

Week 4: Four blog postings which include planning post focusing on character development, two post about focusing on mise-en-scene element, and planning post focusing on audio. Our goal is too finish saving and analyzing all sounds. By this week, we should already started filming, but if we haven't, we will start this week. If our filming is totally finished, we will start the editing process.

Week 5: Four blogs which include planning post of your choice, and three production post of your choice. By this week, we want to have all of our filming finished so we can begin our editing process, which can take a long time to complete. 

Week 6: Four blogs which include production post of your choice, two post-production process post, and research for number one question of CCR post. This week is a buffer week to finish any filming if we have any and finished the editing if we have too. Ultimately we want to start the Creative Critical Reflection..

Week 7: Four blogs which include reaserch for question two for CCR, research for question three for CCR, research for question four for CCR, and a post discussing CCR production ideas. We want to focus on finishing our CCR this week and not have to do a whole lot of filming or editing. This week is the  week we want to wrap up the project.

Week 8: Four blogs which include post about production of CCR, a post about post-production of CCR, post about final reflection of project, and post with links to CCR and film opening. We will fully have our project finished and submitted by this week which is very exciting. We also can use this week as a buffer incase anything goes wrong or is unfinshed.

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