Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Development

 Oh yeaaaa, time to start bringing our character to life! Finally, how we have imagined her can finally come true! Character development is such a big factor within the film. It can really draw in the audience as they become attached to the character.


 I must say, naming the character was probably the hardest part for me. We thought we could just come up with the name on the spot, which did not happen at all. We developed her personality prior to the name so trying to find a fitting name proved itself to be challenging. Soo we resulted to google, we pulled up multiple names and ran through them and said them out loud, and both of us agreed christina just seemed to be the best fitting for her. It's a powerful name, and is fitting for a character that does something irreversible. We did the same process for Christina's husband, Luke. However, he doesn't have as huge of a role as Christina. So his name wasn't as important. 

Christina's Personality

 Her personality prior to the diagnosis was very fun and bubbly. She wore a lot of light colored clothes and was usually super smiley. She offered to help people if they needed it, and she was very selfless. Always putting other peoples needs before her own. She was overall the picture perfect person. 

mood board: 

 After her diagnosis though everything changed. She became less talkative and kept to herself. Her bubbly personality diluted to just being plain and boring. She stopped wearing her fun colored clothes and turned more montoned. She was more depressed and got angry very easily. People didn't want to be around her and she didn't want them there. 

mood board: 

sources: Hanson, K. (2022, November 10). 100 Girl Names That Start With “C.” TODAY.com; TODAY. https://www.today.com/parents/babies/girl-names-that-start-with-c-rcna54093

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