Hey, hey, heyyy, so for this blog my main goal was to pick a media theory I would like to include in my film. When it come to these theories, there is such a wide variety of options to choose from. However, for my genre of psychological horror, I decided to go with the Character theory.
What Is This Theory
So to start off, defining the theory. Vladmir Propp states that characters can be classified into seven specific roles such as hero, villian, dispatcher, helper, donor, princess, and false hero. The hero is the one who goes on the journey ( ex. Harry potter). The Villian is the person who opposes the hero ( ex. Voldemort). Dispatcher sends the hero on their journey ( ex. James Bond). Helper assists the hero on their quest ( ex. Ron & Hermoine). Donor gives the hero something to help them on their journey ( ex. Dumbledoor). Princess the person who requires the hero (ex. Princess and the Pea). False hero is the one who seems good but turns out to be evil ( ex. Hans in Frozen).
How It relates To My Genre
This theory can be applied to psychological horror by having the character be able to create fear and tension. It alters the way each role is seen, which gives the audience a whole new perspective. Also by changing the character types, a psychological horror film can have its narrative structured in a way that increases the sense of conflict, emotional feeling, which creates the story to be more intense and personal. Building the characters persona can be essential in horror as it gives the audience an idea of who they can trust and who they can't.
How I Can Use It In My Opening
1: I can use it to highlight the main character and her role in the film. I can do this all while not revealing too much about her so the audience still maintains interested.
2: I also can use it to build atmosphere. The way a set is designed can reveal a lot about a character and what goes on in their mind. A dark gloomy setting can represent someone who is depressed or going through a dark moment. While a light colored happier set can be represented a character in a better mental state.
Since I decided to go with psychological horror, building character adds a lot the context of the film. We want to know the characters main motive and intentions, and their personality factors in a decent amount.
Propps Character Theory. (2014, September 29). AS Horror Opening. https://stcmmppp12a14.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/propps-character-theory/
Media Studies. (2020, October 25). Vladamir Propp’s 7 Character Types and Narrative Theory. Media Studies. https://media-studies.com/propp/
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