Saturday, February 15, 2025

Plot Time!

  Omgggg, its finally time to reveal the plot!! So exciting!! Soo, my film is a psychological horror that is about a women who murders he husband. However, there is no huge action scenes, its all about the calmness that comes before the crime.


 The opening starts with a women in her car and we see her doing calculations,  but we are not sure what the reason for this is. She proceeds into a hardware store and purchases some interesting items. A knife, trash bags, duct tape, and a shovel. These items bought on their own, completely normal, however, putting them all together seems a bit suspicious. 

 She then proceeds to drive off into the dusk too a lonely park. We see a what appears to be heavy item in her trunk, but it is unclear of what it is. She then starts wrapping the heavy thing which outlines the image of feet. She starts digging in the ground, quickly and precise, she moves with intiative as she is trying to do this quickly. Finally she drops the heavy item into the hole, along with something else, her wedding ring. This gives the idea that the "item" is actually her husband.

 The main goal of this opening is too draw tention and attention without giving away too much.It should give off unsettling vibes while also provokin questions. Why did she do it? How did she do it? Was it really her? It is meant to be about the mind behind the murder.


 Christina is a 36 year old women married to Luke Moore and have a picture perfect marriage. They were highschool sweethearts, prom king and queen, and have been together since then. Christina has always wanted kids sinse she was little, howver, Luke was diagnosed with infertility. Even though it was a struggle for Christina to give up children, this tough time made the couple grow stronger together, while most couples fall apart.

 One random day, Christina started to get super sick, and taking pills became her comfort. They were just over the counter medications. She started to take more and more as her headaches got far more severe. Luke noticed his wife was suffering and suggested she go see a doctor, however, Christina refused and said she was fine. Christina started to act less and less like herself and her personality shifted. She would get upset easily and even fell into a depressive state. However Luke never left her side and stayed and tried to help her, even though she was struggling. The Christina that people knew and loved started to disappear as her headaches got worse. It got so bad and to the point where Christina would have these dreams, where she would see her husband cheating, and abusing her, but to her, they all felt real as if they were acually happening.

 So thats when she started her plan, she was goin to kill her husband. She couldn't take it anymore, the emotions were too much and she wanted it gone, she wanted him gone. The second he was sleeping, she stabbed him till he couldn't breathe and she was certain he was dead. She cleaned the mess and shoved him into the trunk of the car, and acted as if nothing had happened. She drove to the store and calculated the exact size of the hole she was going to dig. She bought all of her items, and drove off to the park. She wrapped up his lifeless body, dug the hole, and threw him and her wedding ring into the hole. She proceeds to cover the hole and drove off like nothing happened

 She went home and was completely normal, until she stepped in her house and passed out. Emily, who is a nieghbor and a friend of hers saw the door wide opened so went in to make sure everything was okay. she saw Christina on the floor and called EMS, while she was checking on her, she noticed her wedding ring was gone. Doctors diagnosed Christina with a brain tumor, which explains her personality change. The doctors asked if she had any family or a husband and she couldn't remember. Emily found her with no ring, so she made a guess that Luke had enough and left her. Christina agreed even though she knew the real reason. This shows her insanity and crazyness, making it seem like her husbands fault. 

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