Omggg, I can't believe we are finally almost to the end of the project. Time has literally flown by, and honestly, I'm kind of sad it's almost over, but, it's not over yet. The final step in our projects is creating a Creative Critical Reflection, that's a lot of words though, so for short a CCR. This is when I explain the choices I made, analyze my work, and connect how my film relates to the real world. This whole project wasn't just about making an appealing film, it's about understanding the decisions BEHIND making an appealing film.
Today I am going to be discussing my script for the first question of the CCR "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues". For answering 2 out of the 4 questions, I want to create something similar to a podcast. My friend Veronica agreed to be in the podcast with me, and we are both really excited to create it.
Veronica: Hey girl!
Addison: Heyy how are you?
Veronica: Im good, so anything exciting happening in your life recently?
Addison: Actually yes! Ive actually been working on a project for my Aice media class.
Veronica: Ooooo tell me more!
Addison: So basically it's about this women Christina, who murders her husband, but we are not sure why.
Veronica: Oh wow! that sounds interesting. But, what makes your film different from other peoples? Why should I watch it?
Addison: Well, our film is a psychological horror, traditionally in horror films like these, they are mainly focused on the murder itself. There is a lot of intense music or intense scares, however my film builds tension more quietly. Instead of just directly showing the murder, I decided to focus more on the calmness afterward. The horror comes from how unsettling Christina and her actions are. This makes the audience feel uneasy, without using huge dramatic action. I also decided to do something differently by making the audience put pieces together. The viewers don't see the crime actually happening, just the aftermath of it. This forces them to engage with the story more, figuring out what happened instead of just being told.
Veronica: Ohh cool, it's like the audience gets to be a detective!!
Addison: Yes! exactly, they have their own little mystery to figure out.
Veronica: Well that's very fun. However, word on the street is your film also talks about deeper problems, can you clarify what this means?
Addison: Of course, so Christina isn't just a villian, but she is struggling with a mental disablility she's not even aware of having. Her wide and drastic changes of emotion, is all cause by a brain tumor she doesn't know she has. This is meant to represent how if serious medical conditions are just misdiagnosed or ignored, it can be detrimental to the patient.
It also plays into how womens feeling and emotions are sometimes not taken into full account. Luke is always there for her, but even he doesn't realize just how much she is struggling. The doctors in her life fail her by not catching the tumor sooner, and by the time they catch it, it is too late and the tumor has consumed her personality. It shows how womens issues are brushed off or ignored and not taken seriously. People make excuses such as mood swings, stress, or being on their period, instead of taking into account something could actually be medically wrong.
Veronica: Wow, that's very deep, and also very relatable. This sounds like it took you a lot of thought to come up with.
Addison: I mean yea, as a women, I think it's important that we share topics like this.
Veronica: Well that is very cool, and good for you!
Addison: Thank you
Veronica: Nowww for our sponser!
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