Sunday, March 9, 2025

Editing P2

 Hey heyyy, welcome to part 2 of the editing process, my least favorite part. Literally hate this so much, screaming and crying!! Anwayyyy, enough blabbering, let's dive into the editing. So, when me and my partner were discussing which type of font we were going to use throughout our film, we decided we needed something that looks off and disturbing. We wanted everything from the camera work, allll the way down to the tiniest of details to be unsettling. So in result, we spent an unhelathy amount of time picking a singular font, seriously it was crazy.


 So, when trying to find this messy and off vibe font me and my partner were in deep hunt for, we came across Nanum Brush Script. Let me tell you, this font does exactly what we hoped for. It's messy and jagged, which gives it an unstable appeal. It looks like it was handwritten in a panic and chaos, which plays perfectly into the theme of my film. 

Color Choices

 The title of our film is going to be " Till Death Do Us Part", honestly we went back and forth between a couple names, but this one just stuck with us the most. So, in the title, we decided to highlight the word Death in red, the reason for this is because the color red resembles fear and danger. Which is why we are highlighting the word Death, we want the audiences eyes to go right to it. We want them to know this is what is important and this is what is coming.

How it Relates

 The font feels personal, as if it was created in a panic. The goal isn't for it just to look creepy, we want the audience to feel the unsettling nature before the film even starts. Combined with the red on the word Death, it sets the tone for how the film is going to be. In the end, every little detail matters. Choosing the right colors and the right font can make a title way more uneasy rather than something plain and boring. Which is exactly what I wish to accomplish within my film. 

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